Community Involvement

Gumbo Gladiators is an annual fundraiser for Volunteers for Youth Justice, held at the Festival Plaza in Shreveport, LA. TCS has been participating in Gumbo Gladiators since 2013, and we have won the prize for best booth the past three years!
Gumbo Gladiators
Gumbo Gladiators

The Rotary club is a community organization whose mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through their fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
Riverbend-Shreveport Rotary Club
Riverbend-Shreveport Rotary Club

Surfari Pals
Surfari Pals is a non-profit that partners with Caddo Parish elementary schools to teach character development. They do this at absolutely no cost to the school and is funded completely by community grants, local business sponsorships, and donations.
Surfari Pals

The Independence Bowl
The Independence Bowl is a post-season NCAA bowl game that is held each December in Shreveport, LA. TCS is a member of the Independence bowl foundation.
The Independence Bowl

Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic Fraternal Organization, who help local communities through charity and community projects.
Knights of Columbus

Shreveport Schools
The Red Cross
The Red Cross and its members offer aid and resources to others to prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies through immediate assistance, education outreach, and training.